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Pose Representations for Deep Skeletal Animation

Computer Graphics Forum. (Symp. on Computer Animation) 2022

Nefeli Andreou, Andreas Aristidou, Yiorgos Chrysanthou

Pose Representations for Deep Skeletal Animation

Data-driven skeletal animation relies on the existence of a suitable learning scheme, which can capture the rich context of motion. However, commonly used motion representations often fail to accurately encode the full articulation of motion, or present artifacts. In this work, we address the fundamental problem of finding a robust pose representation for motion, suitable for deep skeletal animation, one that can better constrain poses and faithfully capture nuances correlated with skeletal characteristics. Our representation is based on dual quaternions, the mathematical abstractions with well-defined operations, which simultaneously
encode rotational and positional orientation, enabling a rich encoding, centered around the root. We demonstrate that our representation overcomes common motion artifacts, and assess its performance compared to other popular representations. We conduct an ablation study to evaluate the impact of various losses that can be incorporated during learning. Leveraging the fact that our representation implicitly encodes skeletal motion attributes, we train a network on a dataset comprising of skeletons with different proportions, without the need to retarget them first to a universal skeleton, which causes subtle motion
elements to be missed. Qualitative results demonstrate the usefulness of the parameterization in skeleton-specific synthesis.

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