CLIPE 3rd newsletter finally released!
Apr 10, 2024
CLIPE is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network within the Horizon 2020 framework. The project extends over a period of four-year and its core aim is to train a generation of innovativors and researchers focusing in virtual character simulation and animation.
In this third newsletter, we outline several updates from the CLIPE project. This includes the upcoming final workshop of CLIPE collocated with the Eurographics 2024 conference on the 23rd of April 2024 and taking place in Limassol, Cyprus. The successful completion of the PhD of two of our MSCA fellows, the CLIPE project featured in the MSCA Success Stories in Cyprus, the publication of works from CLIPE fellows, participation in conferences, such as the FMX 2023 conference held in Stuttgart, and the successful conclusion of the third CLIPE training workshop. This workshop, took place in Tübingen, Germany. Additionally, the newsletter highlights the projects of three fellows which completed their CLIPE fellowship.
See the complete CLIPE 3rd newsletter here