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Training Workshop 2

Mar 31, 2022

The CLIPE 2nd training workshop, dedicated to EU funding programmes, grant writing and professional development, has been successfully completed!

The workshop took place in Rennes, France, from March 28th to April 1st, 2022. Throughout the week, CLIPE PhD students actively participated in a training workshop led by Celia Hadjichristodoulou of GrantXpert Consulting, and they had the opportunity to hear real-life stories from other PhD students and post-docs about how they used EU funds and developed their own start-ups. The students also presented and discussed with their advisors their work and career development plans.

The PhD students had the opportunity to visit Immersia, a virtual reality platform built around a large immersive infrastructure, as part of the workshop program.

Last but not least, the workshop included many social events, such as a visit and tour of Rennes, Saint Malo, and Mont Saint Michel

Training Workshop 2
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